Please, visit wiremock website for the official documentation.

Inspired by stackoverflow question.

FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine


RUN apk add --update openssl

# fix "No Server ALPNProcessors" when using https
RUN apk add --update libc6-compat
RUN ln -s /lib/ /lib/

# grab su-exec for easy step-down from root
# and bash
RUN apk add --no-cache 'su-exec>=0.2' bash

# grab wiremock standalone jar
RUN mkdir -p /home/wiremock &&\
    wget$WIREMOCK_VERSION/wiremock-jre8-standalone-$WIREMOCK_VERSION.jar \
    -O /home/wiremock/wiremock-jre8-standalone.jar

WORKDIR /home/wiremock

ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "wiremock-jre8-standalone.jar"]


docker build . -t dehasi/wiremock


docker run --rm -it \
    -p 8080:7070  \
    -v $(pwd)/mappings:/home/wiremock/mappings \
    -v $(pwd)/files:/home/wiremock/__files \
    dehasi/wiremock --port 7070 # we can add any params here


All mappings should be in mappings directory. In example, there is hello.json in mappings

  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "/hello"
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "bodyFileName": "hello.json"

All mappings should be in files directory. There is hello.json in files directory.

  "message": "Hello World !"

If we run the comand above, we’ll we that wiremock started on 7070 port.

 /$$      /$$ /$$                     /$$      /$$                     /$$
| $$  /$ | $$|__/                    | $$$    /$$$                    | $$
| $$ /$$$| $$ /$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ | $$$$  /$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$   /$$
| $$/$$ $$ $$| $$ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$| $$ $$/$$ $$ /$$__  $$ /$$_____/| $$  /$$/
| $$$$_  $$$$| $$| $$  \__/| $$$$$$$$| $$  $$$| $$| $$  \ $$| $$      | $$$$$$/
| $$$/ \  $$$| $$| $$      | $$_____/| $$\  $ | $$| $$  | $$| $$      | $$_  $$
| $$/   \  $$| $$| $$      |  $$$$$$$| $$ \/  | $$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$| $$ \  $$
|__/     \__/|__/|__/       \_______/|__/     |__/ \______/  \_______/|__/  \__/

port:                         7070
enable-browser-proxying:      false
disable-banner:               false
no-request-journal:           false
verbose:                      false

As we mapped 7070 to 8080, we have to use 8080

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello
  "message": "Hello World !"